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PlayStation 4 (PS4) Darksiders: Warmastered Edition Game Review Complete

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Genre : Hack and Slash, Action-adventure
Developer : Vigil Games
Publisher : THQ (2010–2012) THQ Nordic (2015–present)
Players : One Player
ESRB Rating : M
Release Date : Nov 22, 2016

Darksiders is one of the hidden gems of a generation ago, a dark, beautifully designed potpourri of some other action-adventure titles. Planned as a four-part series, the franchise only to the extent # Darksiders2 before publisher THQ announced bankruptcy in 2011, and intellectual property being sold piece by piece. Most people who've played Darksiders who may be disappointed that THQ mess before quadrilogy planned to be completed, as the two games we got were both very entertaining, fun action title.

Fortunately, the company that bought the rights to Darksiders, Nordic Games, seems to be interested in keeping the franchise alive. After purchasing the majority of IP THQ, it's called as THQ Nordic company earlier this year. Darksiders: Warmastered Edition is the first release under this new brand, and it is a great way to start things off.


Duped by the forces of evil into prematurely bringing about the end of the world, War - the first Horseman of the Apocalypse - accused of breaking the law by inciting a war between Heaven and Hell. In the carnage that happens, the demon forces defeated the heavenly hosts and claim the Earth.

Brought holy charred Council, War convicted of crimes and stripped of their power. Rejected and facing his own death, War are given the opportunity to return to Earth to search for the truth and punish those responsible.

Hunted by a vengeful group of Angels, War must take on the powers of hell, forming an uneasy alliance with the very demons he hunts, and journey across the ravaged remains of the Earth on his quest for vengeance and vindication.

Remaster features:
  • Native rendering resolution to 1080p
  • Doubling all the texture resolution
  • Rendering repair and rework
  • shadow rendering quality better
  • Post processing effects
  • 60 FPS gameplay
The Darksiders features role-playing game action hack and slash style gameplay. The player takes control of one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, from the perspective of a third person, which each offer a unique playing style and equipment. In the first game, this war fighting methods using the signature two-handed sword named Chaoseater, although throughout the game players can complement a variety of other items including the Scythe and a pistol. In Darksiders II, Death uses two crescent as his signature weapon, and in Darksiders III, Fury use a whip and magic to tear down his enemies.

Nevertheless, the general gameplay of the game is similar, with players who have an open world to explore, have to solve various puzzles to help them progress. Players can find a chest containing the souls of the dead that they can use to purchase items and upgrades. The game has a small emphasis on boss fights, where players must learn their weak point to do a huge amount of damage. Players can also explore an open world by using its own horse protagonist, this war named Ruin and Death named Despair and Fury called Rampage.


Let's start by acknowledging the biggest problem with Darksiders: Warmastered Edition; title silly as hell. It fits in with the theme and tone of Darksiders, but it will probably be a turnoff to those who are not familiar with the concept. In addition, it should be noted that this re-mastered rigorous aesthetic upgrades, and no change at all with audio or gameplay.

Each of the Darksiders game tells the story of one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and the first centers in the War. War and his brothers acted as an enforcer for the Board of charred maintain the balance between Heaven and Hell, keep them in check until the third faction, humanity, strong enough to provide a challenge for both sides. As the game opens, War finds himself summoned to Earth as Angels and Demons fight their way through the streets of the city without a name, but the man who lived there slippery unsuitable for good. Obviously, he has been called too early.

War fights his way through the streets until he came up against the demon he could not beat, because there seems to be something that weakens its strength. She passed out and woke up before the court, accused of being responsible for Armageddon kick too quickly and dooming mankind. He assured the Council to allow him to return to Earth in an attempt to clear his name, but they tied him up with the Watcher, six-eyed demon who makes sure he stays on task.

The story takes itself is really serious, but there is a disconnect between heavy-handed narration and visual overload, and can be difficult to know whether Darksiders is being sincere or has his tongue planted in his cheek. The use of the end-time Christian mythology as a backdrop for the story to work well, and chunky, colorful design resembles Joe Madureira out wearing character in World of Warcraft. Everything was tense and over-the-top; no treasure chests in the game that does not have at least three skulls in the design, and a large sword This war is known as the "Chaoseater." Although this may feel excessive, it was still fun. It gives Darksiders own charm, kind of like a kid trying too hard to impress you.

Darksiders borrowed from some of the best titles in the genre of action and adventure, and although it mimics, he came together to become more than the sum of its parts. Many of gameplay borrowed from The Legend of Zelda series, with dungeons to be explored to find tools that help in the exploration and can also be used in combat. Defeating the boss upgrade your life bar, and you actually collect hearts creature after besting one. The overworld visuals resemble Gears of War in beige beauty they were unclean, and the boss might remind you of God of War or perhaps Shadow of the Colossus. There was even a jail later in the game that borrows ideas from Portal, with items that shoots a split orange and blue on a specific target. You will find some cliches genre, but for the most part, they are fun. (A large slow-moving elevator? Sure hope bunch Mooks not jumped up and started whaling on me.) It's up to you to decide whether you think of it as a derivative or respect.

As I mentioned, either audio or gameplay has been changed for this re-release. Fortunately, none of this needed change. Liam O'Brien giving war-weary world with stoic voice that sounded like he continued to hold his temper, and Mark Hamill Watcher lend the same voice as the character Feaster Fear of Adventure Time, basically Joker without the joy of it. sound track boss too little and talk too often, but it's a minor annoyance you probably will not notice if you do not get stuck on a boss fight.

If you want to know more about the gameplay, I would recommend checking out the reviews posted in 2010 to the original version of Darksiders. Everything Jim wrote was accurate. You will still be shedding gallons of demon blood red and black, you are still going to slam the zombies die with Yugo hatchback, and you will still get frustrated that you can not use double jump or slide if you go down the ledge without jumping. That said, the battle satisfying and challenging, and a better visual than ever.

I did not play the original version of Darksiders on PC before this review, so I'm not sure if the previous version had the same problem, but I'm having some minor problems. During the first few hours, lip syncing is not quite suitable for cutscenes, though this self-correct after a while. Even though I was playing with the controller, the mouse pointer screen appears every time I shopping center, no matter how many times I moved offscreen. Perhaps a coincidence, but at one point my wife needed to restart the router and my game crashed, so it seems Darksiders: Warmastered may require continuous internet connection on the PC. Apart from petty issues, the game performed flawlessly in even a modest PC hardware, so I have no doubt it will run smooth as silk on beefier systems or modern console.

There is no shortage of great games this year, but Darksiders: Warmastered Edition still holds very well, and very easy to recommend. This is not quite fresh and interesting as in 2010, but I still think it's something everyone should try. If you've played before, it's worth revisiting. If you have not, it is a solid adventure that is worth your time. The budget price makes a great value, with a campaign that will take most people between 12 to 20 hours to complete. I am pleased to see that THQ Nordic seems to be interested in keeping the series in the public eye, and I hope this means that the Darksiders franchise will be resurrected. I look forward to seeing how Pestilence and Famine will play in Darksiders 3 and 4.


small conversion problems that can be solved side, Darksiders: Warmastered Edition has an intrinsic destiny becomes eternal audience with different visual, the benefits of resolution and performance in accordance fans who took him up to speed. A fantasy world of wonder and gameplay retains old gracefully is to make sure that this game sure riders can come again.

Welcome Crazy Person Gamers
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