▶️ Platform : Metatrader 4 | ||
📊 Asset : All Curency Pair | ||
⏰ Time Frem: Unlimitid | ||
🔓 Password : In Video | ||
🏆 Ratting : 🔥 🔥🔥🔥 | ||
▶️ Platform : Metatrader 4 | ||
📊 Asset : All Curency Pair | ||
⏰ Time Frem: Unlimitid | ||
🔓 Password : In Video | ||
🏆 Ratting : 🔥 🔥🔥🔥 | ||
The FXSSI.Sentiment.Lite indicator displays market sentiment data directly on the chart of the MT4 terminal.
Once the indicator is installed, you will see the histogram showing the percentage of bulls and bears in the market. This ratio is often referred to as the Speculative Sentiment Index (SSI).
How to use the indicator? Before opening a trade, it is important to analyze the current sentiment in the market. For example, estimate how many traders prefer to hold long (buy) and short (sell) positions now.
With such statistics, you can refuse to open an inevitably losing trade or vice versa, to confirm your intentions by opening a new trade.
Buy when more than 60% of traders are short or, conversely, sell when most of them are long. This is the most common logic of market sentiment analysis.
Next, you can adjust this percentage to a greater or lesser extent based on your practice.
What kind of data is used?
The aggregated client positions of a number of large brokers serve as the data source. For example, the data used is Market Sentiment Index data published on the DailyFX website provided by broker IG Group (formerly FXCM).
verify all data obtained, to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the information provided.
Available Currency Pairs
currencies are currently not supported and no data is available for this.The list of pairs may expand over time and will also include various indices, crude oil and bitcoin.
There is no need to manually update the indicator to access new data. Frequency of updates
The Market Sentiment Indicator is updated hourly by default, but you can reduce this interval to 5 minutes if necessary.
You can also update the data manually by clicking "time" on the indicator panel.
Important note: Simultaneous launch of numerous copies of the indicator having the minimum update interval may cause MT4 terminal to hang up.
Indicator Settings
Show Symbol. Choose one of the following options:
Amerika Serikat akan merilis data ketenagakerjaannya pada pukul 15:30 Waktu Bagian Timur pada 2 Juli. Anda dapat memilih untuk memperdagangkan upah rata-rata per jam, tingkat pengangguran, dan tentu saja upah non-pertanian (NFP). Indikator terakhir biasanya yang paling penting. Indikator ini menunjukkan adanya perubahan jumlah tenaga kerja di sektor pertanian dibandingkan dengan bulan sebelumnya. Data terakhir adalah positif atau negatif. Meskipun diharapkan +645.000, lapangan kerja non-pertanian meningkat 559.000, sementara tingkat pengangguran turun menjadi 5,8%, dan upah rata-rata per jam naik 0,5%. Pedagang kecewa dengan pembayaran non-pertanian (NFP) dan dolar jatuh.
Bagaimana cara memperdagangkan emisi NFP? Ada beberapa cara untuk menggunakan versi NFP. Pertama, Anda dapat melihat strategi perdagangan NFP. Kedua, perhatikan kalender ekonomi.
But in my case, I vowed to play video games with my husband, now 27 years old, he is two years old, making our marriage stronger, and now I feel closer to him than ever. Since we met him in March 2020, Jethro and I have been married for less than a year.
That summer, we spent our first wedding anniversary locked in a small one-bedroom apartment in London, regretting what might have happened. We will exhaust everything: running, recipes. , Decoration, our Ecord and coffee series.
Sometimes he gets nervous, isn't this the life of the bride and groom?To be honest, we have never played together before. Jethro likes challenging adventure games with unsolvable puzzles, logic, battles and huge weapons. not me. I like bright games, friendship and good deeds. In Fallout 3, I was the closest to the battle and the big gun. Even so, I escaped the mad dog. We like different things and have completely different personalities, so playing together is never an option.
Jofor is a digital person; it's cool, cool, and very logical. I am a creative person, a writer, an overly sensitive fish, with poor memory and zero logic. In terms of life and entertainment, we are diametrically opposed. Therefore, our gaming life is very different, very personal to us personally, and in terms of screening time, we have never had the opportunity to marry or work together.It turns out that we are not alone. Over the years, several studies have determined the negative impact of games on marriage. Surprisingly, the 2018 divorce online showed that Fortnite has seen significant growth.
Of all the divorce documents you received that year, about 5% said that gambling was the cause of the breakdown of the marriage. In a study published in the Journal of Leisure Research in 2012, researchers found that 75% of gamblers’ spouses (usually men) want the gamblers in their relationship to be more involved in their marriages, they said This can lead to dissatisfaction with them in interpersonal relationships and quarrels because they can interfere with family communication and intimacy. The same study found that 76% of couples who play and play together believe that gambling is good for their marriage. Because they drink the same kind of tea, they are more satisfied with their relationship. He proved that cooperation can create miracles.
When it comes to games and marriage, this is usually not good news.Pop culture, books, and movies are full of anecdotes or comedy skits about the despised and tortured woman her husband left for the latest video game. Now I can imagine the following situation: Usually a woman wearing very uncomfortable underwear will enter her husband's dark and damp playroom and try to lure a milky caffeine husband into this or that game. It ends with screaming, rudeness and falling, but not for better. But not in my case. I swear that playing video games with my husband, 27-year-old and two-year-old Jethro, did strengthen our marriage, and now, as we knew in March 2020, when the coronavirus pandemic hit the world, I am closer to him than ever before.
That summer, I didn't even spend our first wedding anniversary in our small one-bedroom apartment in London, and regretted what might have happened. We sold out everything: walks, recipes, decoration, our record collection and coffee. Sometimes that’s not the life of a newlywed couple, is it? To be honest, we have never played together before.Jethro likes challenging adventure games with unsolvable puzzles, logic, quarrels and huge weapons. not me.
I like bright games, friendship and good deeds. In Fallout 3, I was the closest to the battle and the big gun. Even so, I escaped the mad dog. We like different things and have completely different personalities, so playing together is never an option. Jofor is a digital person; it's cool, cool, and very logical. I am a creative person, a writer, an overly sensitive fish, with poor memory and zero logic. In terms of life and entertainment, we are diametrically opposed. So our gaming life is very independent and very personal for us.
Namun, pejabat dari Blue Box Game Studios menyatakan bahwa mereka berada di bawah tekanan dan karena itu tidak merilis trailer. Saya harap trailernya akan meninggalkan kesan pertama yang kuat dan menarik lebih banyak penggemar.
"Dua minggu terakhir sangat menegangkan bagi kami. Tim ini sangat lelah. Kami berharap untuk mengeluarkannya sekarang. Saya tahu bahwa banyak dari Anda telah menunggunya. Saya sangat menantikannya, jadi terima kasih banyak." banyak. Tapi saya memutuskan untuk menundanya hingga Agustus saat trailer pertama dirilis," kata Direktur Blue Box Game Studios Hassan Kahraman, Jumat (25/ Juni 2021).
Trailer aslinya telah diunggah ke blog resmi. Hanya PlayStation, ya Ya, ada sedikit plot dan beberapa foto permainan.Namun dalam game horor baru ini, video memiliki nuansa yang mendalam.
Permainan menunjukkan seorang pria melarikan diri dari keluarga dan teman-temannya di padang pasir. Meskipun kelemahannya, pria itu diharapkan untuk bertahan hidup dan diburu oleh para pembunuh. Kutipan dari Games Radar, aplikasi trailer Abandoned, seharusnya memberikan pengalaman khusus dan agak interaktif. Aplikasi ini awalnya dijadwalkan untuk diluncurkan pada bulan Juni, tetapi ditunda karena masalah lokalisasi dan tekanan tim. Untuk memberi Anda informasi, kemajuan aplikasi yang ditinggalkan akan ditampilkan secara real time.
Anda akan melihat tampilannya di PS5 secara real time. Trailer yang ditinggalkan adalah yang pertama dari jenisnya, yang berarti pemain tidak perlu khawatir tentang kompresi video saat menonton trailer. Pada awal April, beberapa orang mulai berspekulasi bahwa IP Hideo Kojima dan Silent Hill terkait dengan game dalam beberapa hal. Tapi Blue Box dengan cepat membantah rumor ini, dengan mengatakan itu tidak ada hubungannya dengan Hideo Kojima.
"Saya hanya ingin membuat video yang sangat cepat untuk menunjukkan bahwa saya adalah orang yang nyata.Saya tidak berafiliasi dengan Hideo Kojima. Saya bukan aktor dan saya tidak bekerja di Silent Hill," kata Hassan Kahraman.
Terlepas dari rumor yang beredar, bagi penggemar game horor, trailer yang ditinggalkan sangat berharga. Versi lengkapnya diharapkan muncul di game. Keempat kuartal tahun 2021.
Sony is sending PS5 buy invites to the incorrect humans
With all of the PS5 restock problems going on, you is probably having a tough time getting your fingers on Sony’s modern-day gaming console. It seems you made a crucial mistake — you didn’t already personal a PS5 console.
That’s the handiest component we are able to finish amid reviews that Sony is sending PlayStation Direct invites to modern PS5 owners, allowing them to understand that they should purchase every other console. Given the issue maximum people are having securing one console, this looks as if an peculiar flip of events.
Yet, as visible on GamesRadar+, Wario64 and some of Reddit commenters declare to be getting invitations to shop for every other PS5 thru PS Direct. This “golden ticket” of kinds might permit them to pass the digital line and snag a PS5 from Sony’s on line store. That invitation comes regardless of the reality that the various recipients already personal the coveted console.
Apparently, Sony despatched out a mass email/invitation with out vetting who must or shouldn’t get one. The properly information for keen fanatics is that Wario64 and the commenters should theoretically purchase a PS5 for a pal or own circle of relatives member.
That’s the maximum perfect outcome. At the equal time, we can also see a PS5 proprietor proficient with an invitation to shop for a 2nd system clearly flipping that greater console on a website like Ebay.
Both Sony and Microsoft have struggled to restock the PS5 and Xbox Series X/S — thank you in component to the Covid-19 pandemic — ensuing in a booming 2nd-hand market. The trouble is, that’s riding up the fee for folks who haven’t been capable of land a brand new console yet.
Thankfully, the PS Direct invitations aren’t handiest going to modern PS5 owners (and people looking for a profit). Sony isn’t trolling capacity clients or seeking to rile up lengthy status fanatics. The organisation wishes as many humans as feasible to buy a PS5.
These PS Direct invitations had been maximum probable a mistake — one that might show useful from a number of us with beneficiant buddies or relatives. Regardless, here’s hoping that everybody who wishes a PS5 receives one earlier than later.
Peluncuran ASUS ROG Phone 5 di Indonesia membuat harga ASUS ROG Phone 3 semakin terjangkau. Meski ROG Phone 3 sudah diluncurkan di pasar Indonesia sejak tahun lalu, namun jelas masih bisa mengimbangi hingga saat ini. ASUS ROG Phone 3. Seri terbaru game ASUS HP telah diluncurkan di pasar Indonesia sejak tahun lalu.
Sebagai ponsel gaming papan atas, harga HP ROG Phone 3 juga sangat terjangkau. Ini masih cukup tinggi. Namun, jika Anda melihat spesifikasi dan banyak fitur gaming yang sangat baik, Anda akan menemukan bahwa ponsel gaming ini sepadan dengan harganya.
Menurut situs resmi ASUS ROG Indonesia, harga HP ROG Phone 3 dengan RAM 8GB hanya Rp 9.999.000.Versi RAM 12GB dari HP ROG Phone 3 dibanderol dengan harga Rs 14.999.000. Dengan harga ini, Anda bisa membawa pulang ponsel gaming terbaik yang ada di pasaran saat ini. ASUS ROG Phone 3 dilengkapi dengan chipset Snapdragon 855+ yang didesain khusus untuk kebutuhan gaming. Ada juga 8 GB dan 12 GB RAM untuk dipilih. Lihat saja mahalnya harga HP ROG.
Layarnya menggunakan layar panel AMOLED 6,59 inci dengan resolusi 1080 x 2340 piksel. Selain itu, kecepatan refresh 144Hz menjamin pengalaman bermain game terbaik.Bagian layar ini menjamin pengalaman gaming yang sangat baik, sehingga wajar jika harga HP ROG sangat tinggi.Spesifikasi menarik lainnya antara lain kamera utama 64 MP dan baterai 6000 mAh 30 W. Pengisian dan dukungan NFC, yang membuat ASUS ROG Phone 3 berbeda dari ROG Phone II adalah kualitas layar, kamera, dan konfigurasi penyimpanan. Jika melihat sederet spesifikasi yang ditampilkan, harga HP ROG Phone 3 tahun 2021 sepertinya cukup masuk akal.
When PS4 and Xbox One were first released, it was only the dream of the rich to have a large enough SSD for the game library. Now we have launched PS5 and X series, SSD technology is much cheaper, even at higher settings.
The drive is about 8 inches long and 2 inches wide, and weighs only about 2.74 pounds (3 pounds for the 16TB model). The weight doesn't matter, because this is a device that can be placed on your desk or entertainment console depending on your usage.You need a place with a standard plug, because like all devices of this size, you need an adapter to open it.
After a series of tests, we found that the average read speed of FireCuda Gaming Hub in our sequential test was 177 MB/s, and the write speed was about 178 MB/s, which were 127 MB/s and 110 MB/s, respectively. CD, but this will limit your ability to play modern games, or if there is a speed issue, I would recommend a CD for games. Even if the price of SSD drops sharply, getting 8TB is still a huge ransom. God bless you, trying to get 16TB through SSD.
The best-selling games require at least 3,040GB of space to install the base game, and this number will only increase as more games include 4K textures and features. It will not even affect the loaded media or discs. A hard drive like this is invaluable because it provides a safe place to store everything when not in use.
With this type of space, it’s no surprise that the Seagate FireCuda gaming hub sounds a bit louder than other smaller hard drive options. This is not to say that it will flood the room with noise, but if you expect completely silent operation, you may be disappointed. Despite the low noise level, overheating has never been a problem.
Although the device becomes very hot after long use, I never noticed that it gets hot. It's too hot, and within people's expectations for a picture of this size.Although we live in the era of solid-state drives and instant-start games, there is still room for larger hard drives, such as the Seagate FireCuda Gaming Hub. This is a significant improvement compared to the previous version, and the design and lighting provided by Seagate make it an exciting proposal, even if the speed limits your gaming potential.
With its huge storage capacity and modern game style, FireCuda Game Center is an excellent supplement to any desktop.
The hub provides a large and elegant storage solution for laptop backup and game libraries, but the speed limits the potential of new consoles and PC games.
Deret Fibonacci adalah serangkaian angka 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, dst. di mana setiap angka berikutnya adalah jumlah dua angka sebelumnya.
Garis Level | keterangan |
1 (atau 100%) | poin akhir kalkulasi |
0,7639 (atau 76,39%) | level pembantu |
0,618 (atau 61,8%) | level pembantu |
0,5 (atau 50%) | level penting |
0,382 (atau 38,2%) | level penting |
0,236 (atau 23,6%) | level penting |
0,16 (atau 16%) | level pembantu |
0 (0%) | poin awal kalkulasi |
Opini: sejumlah trader menganggap bahwa ditembusnya level 0,5 adalah sebuah sinyal terpercaya mengenai pembalikan sinyal.
![]() |
Bila ingin menggunakan level Fibonacci adalah sebuah indikator yang memungkinkan Anda dapat mengenali secara lebih baik tren sideways. |
![]() |
kami memilih titik tinggi dan terendah secara acak dan menarik kipas Fibonacci di sepanjang dua patokan ini. |
Opini: Anda bisa melakukan hal yang sama di semua aset sebelum sesi trading dimulai untuk mendapat lebih banyak sinyal untuk waktu selanjutnya.
1. Minecraft |
2. Garena Free Fire |
3. Roblox |
4. PUBG |
5. Grand Theft Auto V |
6. Mobile Lagends : Bang Bang |
7. Arena Valor |
8. Liga Legenda |
9. Dota 2 |
10. Grand Theft Auto Online |