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PlayStation 4 (PS4) Call of Duty: Ghosts Game Review Complete
      Release Date: Out Now

      Genre: Shooter

      Publisher: Activision

      Developer: Infinity Ward

Call of Duty is a FPS game with a single player mode is the best in the gaming industry, a phrase which one is of course a statement that most often heard when the discussion of Militery shooter games surfaced in cyberspace. Interesting concept offered by Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare that brings modern cinematic war grew into the foundation of the resurrection, not just this franchise, but FPS games overall. Success formula is then trying to be followed by more products, including the Call of Duty series itself. This success gave birth to the annual release policy, and finally arrived in Ghosts that will characterize the year 2013.

You are able to read our preview of the previous course already have some idea of ​​what is really offered by COD: Ghosts, especially by the presence of the single player mode that has become the main force. Interesting to be anticipated, considering this to be the first chance to see the visual power that he has to offer, given the position of COD: Ghosts who is heralded as a next-gen product. Born as a new series of Infinity Ward - which incidentally is the brains behind the Modern Warfare trilogy made in the past there were so many strong anticipation for this one series. Met or not? It became the second question is crucial.

So what is really offered by the Call of Duty: Ghosts? Why do we call it a draw for a new beginning?

P l o t s

The family is the most precious treasure, not only for family members to each other, but also for the country. This might be the most appropriate phrase to describe the fabric core plot that seeks to offer Infinity Ward on Call of Duty: Ghosts. The point itself is still not out of the red thread that seems to be the standard cliche story for any military FPS shooter game that came to the market. Absolutely, returned about America and its supremacy in the military field and how this country will survive any kind of attack. MURICA!

What does it mean the United States without sufficient resources to turn the wheels of their economies? The scenario is what happened in COD: Ghosts. After cutting off supply of crude oil from the Middle East, the United States as a superpower has now begun to erode by the countries of South America which now holds the world's oil supply. Are members of the Federation, these countries are not only expanding power in the economic field, but also by their military capabilities. Open invasion that do finally arrive in the United States. The climax? By mastering outer space weapons - Odin.

The invasion troops do Federation makes Odin turns against the "master" itself - the United States. United States was on the edge of collapse, with minimal force to resist the invasion of the Federation vigorous. One of them emerged from the special forces member who was well respected - Ghosts. With his trademark skull-patterned mask, known as the Ghosts unit that never fails to carry out any mission that is handed to them. You yourself will play as a young Ghosts - Logan were joined together with your brother - HESH. As a grand reunion, Logan and HESH runs under the command of his father - Elias, a veteran of the Ghosts are called back to turn this particular unit. The great battle began to restore the supremacy of the United States, with so many missions spread not only on land but also the sea, and even outer space. Easy trip? Of course not. Especially when this effort was blocked by Gabriel Rorke - a former member of the best Ghosts are now actually working under the Federation. Revenge becomes the main motive.

Can The Ghosts reinstate the rule of the United States and subjecting the Federation? What actually happened at Rorke? What is he really up to? All of these questions can you answer by playing Call of Duty: Ghosts this.

Do Wonder Called Next- Gen ?

Before we get into the gameplay mechanics or what innovations they offer at a deeper level, there are so many questions that are still raised strong at the surface level, let alone discuss the status of COD: Ghosts as a next-gen project. As we can imagine, next-gen is always associated with the level of visualization is more qualified, with a myriad of physics and features that previously could not be applied. As a next-gen project, anticipating the existence of Ghosts certainly can not be separated from this one. So, is it appropriate COD: Ghosts referred to as a game that truly maximize the potential of next-gen?

With the need for up to 6 GB of RAM specification (which turned out to be a lie), it seemed increasingly clear status. But once you try it directly? There are so many big questions on the visual side, especially when compared with neighboring competitor products that are all out with their latest engine. The effects of light indeed perform better in Ghosts, but not on the side of the existing texture. You will find so many low-resolution texture berterbaran throughout the game, and will be very easy to see if you play it on a monitor large enough. Posts blurred, without the texture of stone, to detail the explosion and the smoke that did not offer any details deserve note. It's like an older engine with little makeovers. Extra hope destruction for strategic advantage? Unfortunately, there is no such feature.

Pantaskah called next-gen? As far as our perspective and when compared with the visual quality of the other next-gen games are scattered, Activision has great PR to make COD worthy of the name. Except, if Activision did carry out the same policies with EA Sports and 2K Sports, where the engine for the current gen and next-gen consoles made separately.

Woof Woof !

It is difficult to expect an extraordinary innovation of an FPS game. Because, basically, regardless of your dreams, FPS games have always been about moving from point A to point B, to survive, cut-scene, and eventually met by the end of the chapter, which then repeats. This cycle does not seem to be stopping in Call of Duty: Ghosts this. You will still persist with the same gameplay mechanics. Like the previous COD series, there are variants of the weapons offered but did not produce a unique experience different from one another. Recoil was never an issue and you can shoot blindly to neutralize any threats.

One of the innovations may be different due to the presence of the figure of the dog - Riley, who took part in several missions at the earliest. Military dogs this one is already a major selling point offered by Infinity Ward since COD: Ghosts was first introduced to the public. Riley called a key to bring the experience of different COD, and even become central to the story. There is so much speculation spread in cyberspace, even predicted the death of Riley as emotionally evocative event which makes Ghosts feel special. The result? Woof woof!

Fought together with Riley is no different when you're fighting with another friend AI. He can not die from bullets and just stopped for some time when the increasingly brutal attacks. The difference? You can press Q to ask Riley to attack the enemies that are difficult for you to reach, especially those tight hiding behind a protective wall. Orange indicator will show the position of Riley. Not only the command like this, some of the chapters even allow you to serve as Riley himself. You move and help Logan and HESH infiltrate locations packed with soldiers Federation. Run and hide, you can end the life of this soldier quickly. The problem? There is no rational explanation of how you can control the dog and ruled as freely as you want. But like other game series, rationality was never an important part. Another woof woof!

Surprise him? Riley was not so important role in the gameplay and story. He's not a dog that will follow you from the beginning to the end of the game. Prediction that he would become one of the central figures indisputable when you play COD: Ghosts is in progress far enough.

Another element that makes COD: Ghosts different as well as the desire Infinity Ward to menyuntikkkan little taste "Battlefield" in this series. Previous series did accommodate your needs for advanced equipment and heavy roles with several small segments, in which you control a UAV missile control or even satellite though. But in COD: Ghosts, the chance to drive a heavy military vehicles ala Battlefield finally comes. You can drive a helicopter and a tank in some missions chapter. But do not expect you'll find a control vehicle "realistic" ala Battlefield. Like sliding on an icy lake, all the vehicle's motion was very smooth and fast, feels odd to gaming on your own instincts. Maneuver impossible arcade-style game felt conspicuous. Tank as fast as cars or helicopters that can go around forward and backward stably and quickly? Infinity Ward has homework in this sector.

Still Filled With "WOW" Effect!

Introduces cinematic cut-scenes of Hollywood incredible? If calculating based on annual releases existing policy, then there are more than seven games Call of Duty is the concept and selling the same value. With so many cinematic scenes that have been offered Infinity Ward and Treyach, it seems almost impossible to rediscover moments are enough to make you surprised and fascinated. How come? For seven years, you've seen the third world war, the invasion of the drone to the United States, the legendary sniping missions, atomic bomb explosion, until the death of many iconic characters is staggering. Call of Duty: can still make you surprised and fascinated? Can not be presumed, yes.

Somehow, there's always something different when Call of Duty handled by Infinity Ward than Treyach. Developer of this one seemed to not care about the myriad of features and a range of new mechanics who desperately trying injected Treyach in Call of Duty: Black Ops II for example. Not just a FPS, Treyach trying to inject mode strategy, tower defense, and multiple endings in the series. Successful or not? Still pose a long debate. But Infinity Ward comes to what makes them known so far - a pure FPS game with capabilities unmatched cinematic and story. No niceties like trying to do Treyach, only a FPS game in the style of Modern Warfare. Simplicity is still able to produce the effect of "WOW" in Call of Duty: Ghosts.

There are so many cut-scenes in the destructive massive scale that will make you fascinated and in love, sensation that still inspires. The fact that characters like Logan and HESH designed as sisters also offer the potential emotional involvement, especially when the latest series Ghosts glide in the future. Large explosion, slow motion, an event that can not be predicted in advance, cinematic camera, and voice acts that lingers making single player COD: Ghosts remain charming.

But it is not just a cut-scene alone makes this incredible experience, but also the fact that Infinity Ward has never limited themselves to throw crazy ideas and implement them into the gameplay. The fight underwater with tiny bubbles glide detail every time you fired your weapon and the threat of sharks that are so scary but a fraction of the value of this sale. Or charm offered by the mission that asks you to infiltrate a high-rise building at night time, in kesunyina. Who would have imagined a gun battle in outer space, the vacuum without gravity, where you move freely in the middle of a shattered moon? Well, Infinity Ward did and it's awesome!

GamePlay: You Never Play It Previous

If you like the Call of Duty then you'll like how weapons work in ghosts, ghosts this because it is very similar in terms of gameplay. Even the "very same" is the right word to describe the game as a whole, since there is nothing new in this game. You will take refuge behind cars and shoot people all the time.

As typical of other game Call of Duty you will be along the corridors of the building in each level (if you get into a building in this game then it is likely that the building will collapse). But there are also side missions like flying a helicopter, drive a tank and shoot people in outer space and under water, even you can also control the dog for a while. However it was not able to provide a significant variation. Call of Duty ghosts have a lot of scenes that actually intriguing but overworked so they no longer attracted me, like jumping into the helicopter. Nothing in Call of Duty ghosts that will make you be surprised if you've played the previous series.

There are several missions in this game that offers something new (at least for me, but remember that I missed a few series COD). In the mission "Federation Day" which is the best mission you will kill your opponent secretly in a skyscraper while the building down from the rope. You will be entered into one of the glass and using a strobe light to blind the enemy.

This mission is pleasant enough but I think it would be better if you are given a choice of how you will run the mission, so you have no control and not merely undergo a scenario that has been made. I look forward to using the strobe attachement again on another mission, but I can not do. ghosts dictate to you step by step and there is nothing you can do to deviate from the scenario that has been made.

You may think I am a little unfair with this game. But I think we have to re-evaluate in the context of the Call of Duty. This is the 10th game of the series Call of Duty and will be the first series of a series of ghosts, if during this time there is no way to add a new formula to the game? Do the same formula and graphical improvement in every series be enough reason for you to buy it for $ 60?

Personally I do not think so. But if you like the Call of Duty formula is so-so only then you will be satisfied with the Call of Duty: ghosts. Just do not expect surprises in this game, because you never played this game before.

Card: I Hope You Love With Color Brown

Unfortunately it is not just the story and the gameplay is boring, graphics, too. In this game you'll play in mostly forest with full of greenery, brown and gray background. Nothing really meninggakan impression and some scenes even tasted taken from other games (no tank scenes in this game is very reminiscent me to the mission of tanks in Battlefield 3).

In addition to forest dominated by dark colors there is also an environment with bright colors like on a mission "Federation Day" that I just mentioned and also a mission where you will play a mountain snow in the hot months. But most of the game takes place in buildings that have been destroyed or industrial areas such as trains or oil drilling.

In terms of graphics quality, if you've ever played Call of Duty before then you'll know how the quality of ghosts. I play the ghosts with the highest setting on your PC and does not look so stunning. You can see how the game engine is already an old game. It does not look bad indeed, but can not be equated with its competitors Battlefield 4. While PCnya requires 6 GB version but Call of Duty: ghosts are not spelled out fantastic in terms of presentation.

S o u n d

The sound design ghosts in a fairly normal game and even less accurate. Some parts of the game sounds very good but some sounded forced. Some sounded very weak weapon and some voice sounded too over-complex. You will not hear this too often along the way you play, but when this happens, then you can clearly hear it.

Actingnya voice quality is also fairly normal, even sometimes the conversation sounded very flat and boring. For me this is very different from Battlefield 4 game that has a very good voice acting at all. ghosts put a famous actor Stephen Lang as a voice actor, but throughout the game you will not be aware of who he played because there was nothing too stand out.

For the music business game, ghosts using orchestral music adds to the tension in several missions. But you probably will not notice the whole game. I just finish this game and there is no rhythm of music that sticks in my head. Perhaps the most memorable music is Eminem song that appears at the end of the game.

M u l t i P l a y e r

But of course, for many people, Call of Duty is not about a single player. Mutilplayernya mode is what keeps people playing this game. Unfortunately, although there are some new menu but the gameplay is still the same.

Squad is the latest additional mode which is basically multiplayer with bots. It is suitable for those who do not feel confident to jump into the online server. There is also a mode where you together Extinction 4 other random people have to survive the onslaught of aliens / zombies for as long as you can. Actually quite fresh to the size of the Call of Duty but you must already often play this mode in other games.

Traditional gameplay mode also got some new fad but nothing exciting. I found a new mode called cranked that will force players to continue running and kill to survive. You will also find guard dogs which sometimes spawn to kill you when you kill someone. But perhaps the most disappointing was the loss Headquarter mode and Search and Destory, I do not know why this mode is eliminated but that certainly is a new mode like Crancked and Hunter was not able to fill this void.

But in general if you like multiplayer mode in the series before then, ghosts additional offers so much more. But it can not be said to be worth the price is $ 60, you can buy a game the previous version with a cheaper price and get approximately the same thrill and anyway the previous version of the game in addition to cheaper also has a lot of players.

  • In Call of Duty: Ghosts you don't just create a class, you create a soldier, a first for the franchise. In the new Create-A-Soldier system, players can change the physical appearance of their soldier by choosing the head, body type, head-gear and equipment, and for the first time in a Call of Duty® game, the player can also choose their gender. With 20,000 possible combinations, this is the most flexible and comprehensive character customization in Call of Duty history.
  • New dynamic maps are the evolution of multiplayer. They include interactive elements and player triggered events that make the environment evolve as each match goes on. The entire landscape can shift and force players to change tactics and strategies.
  • Call of Duty: Ghosts introduces new tactical player movements. The new contextual lean system now allows players to lean around obstacles without adding button combinations or fully leaving cover. The new mantling system allows fluid movement over objects, while maintaining momentum. The knee slide allows for a natural transition from sprinting crouching to prone.
  • Call of Duty: Ghosts delivers over 20 NEW Kill Streaks in Call of Duty: Ghosts - such as Juggernaut Maniac, the Helo Scout, the Vulture and the ODIN Strike. Players can even bring in guard dog Riley, from the single-player campaign, to protect and also to attack enemies. There are also over 30 NEW weapons, including an entirely new weapon class: Marksman Rifles.
  • Build your team and take up to 6 of them into battle in the all new Squads mode. This mode takes the best parts of the multiplayer experience and allows you to play either solo or cooperatively with the custom soldiers created and leveled up in multiplayer.
  • The load-out choices you make for your Squad members will directly change the AI behavior of your squad-mates. Give your soldier a sniper rifle and he'll behave like a sniper, and an SMG guy will be more run and gun.


The statement that Call of Duty is an epitome for the single player mode games FPS genre is difficult to be inviolable. Regardless of age has reached more than seven years and gameplay mechanics are not much different in each series, one game is still able to offer a decent quality for the thumbs up. Cinematic quality, variations in setting the mission, to a variety of cut-scenes still senimatik that epic will leave you breathless and agree that as this is a single player FPS mode should be made. But beyond all, Call of Duty: Ghosts hardly offer anything new.

There are some weaknesses that deserve to be recorded, regardless of the repetitive mechanics which is already a part that can not be separated from an FPS game. One that is quite disappointing was the mechanical control of the vehicle in a mission that feels very arcade, as Infinity Ward did not want to bother to represent tanks or helicopters feel more realistic. It was like playing a classic game Army Men 3D ancient times, only faces made into a first person perspective. Vehicle motion feels very slippery without a hitch, as the wind and the road surface does not give any feel. The role of Riley who was not as big as imagined also become its own record. But the biggest drawback? Apart from all the explosions and bombastic war she was offering, Ghosts remained stuck at very cliche plot design.

But despite all these drawbacks, COD: Ghosts are still able to prove itself as a game that deserves to be tested in the single player mode, including those of you who may have already raised their hands and surrender to taste more of this franchise. Ghosts will be a new beginning for an interesting story to continue to be exploited in the future. Not as perfect as the first Modern Warfare indeed, but there is an expectation and its own interest to follow this new direction Ghosts. Surprise what else they can offer after submarine warfare and space to make gamers captivated? It will be a difficult task for Infinity Ward.


  • Cut-scenes are still dazzling cinematic
  • The character design and voice acts topnotch
  • Submarine warfare and space that feels different


  • Plots that feels cliche
  • Visualize that do not represent the quality of the next-gen
  • Riley did not play a lot in the story
  • Control of the vehicle which is far from realistic
Suitable for gamers: fans of the military shooter epic, who do not like the direction Treyach in Black Ops II.

Not suitable for gamers: fans military shooter simulation, shooter gamers who want a neighborhood that could be destroyed.

Salam Gamer MANIAK  
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