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Fornite Siap Memperbaiki Kontrrol Yang Kontroversial

Setelah Berbulan - Bulan Berdebar Efict akhirnya turun tangan.

Fortnite Legacy Controls telah menjadi topik hangat di kalangan komunitas battle royale yang kompetitif sejak peluncuran Bab 2 tahun lalu , karena beberapa orang mengatakan itu menawarkan keuntungan berbeda bagi pemain yang menggunakan pengontrol dibandingkan yang menggunakan keyboard dan mouse. Epic telah memutuskan untuk masuk dan mulai minggu depan, Legacy Controls, yang menawarkan assist bertujuan untuk pemain yang menggunakan pengontrol, akan dikeluarkan dari permainan sepenuhnya.

Epic mengumumkan di Twitter dan umpan berita dalam game bahwa ia akan secara resmi menghapusnya, tujuannya membantu Legacy Controls pada 13 Maret. Pemain yang masih menggunakan Legacy Controls pada tanggal cutoff akan semua sensitivitas mereka diatur ulang ke pengaturan default yang baru.

Untuk menghindari pengaturan Anda dihapus, Epic telah menambahkan opsi "Salinan dari Legacy" yang akan memungkinkan pemain untuk menyimpan sensitivitas mereka, saat ini setelah Kontrol Legacy dimatikan untuk selamanya. Untuk melakukan ini, cukup menuju ke menu pengaturan dalam game dan arahkan ke tab "Opsi Kontrol".

Tahun lalu, "peretas" ditemukan kemungkinan pemain dapat pengontrol menggunakan Kontrol Legacy untuk melacak pemain melalui dinding, asap, dan rumput tinggi. Sejak itu, komunitas PC terus-menerus meminta Epic untuk membantu kontrol kontrol dan meningkatkan level permainan.

Dengan peluncuran Bab 2: Musim 2 yang sukses , tampaknya Epic akhirnya siap untuk mendengarkan masukan tersebut.

Selagi Anda menunggu perubahan mulai berlaku, pastikan untuk memeriksa Briefing Brutus kami dan panduan tantangan Uji Coba TNTina untuk mendapatkan XP ekstra untuk Season 2 Pass.

Salam Gamer Mania  
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Semua Member Poker88 Memiliki Kesempatan Yang Sama Dalam Mengikuti Event ini.
Bonus Turnover Mingguan Dihitung Dari Turnover Bermain Anda Selama 1 Minggu Di Game Ceme Keliling

Berikut Ketentuan Turnover dan Bonus Mingguan :
* Turnover diatas Rp 10.000.000 -> Gratis Bonus chips Rp 75.000
* Turnover diatas Rp 15.000.000 -> Gratis Bonus chips Rp 113.000
* Turnover diatas Rp 25.000.000 -> Gratis Bonus chips Rp 188.000
* Turnover diatas Rp 50.000.000 -> Gratis Bonus chips Rp 375.000
* Turnover diatas Rp 100.000.000 -> Gratis Bonus chips Rp 750.000
* Turnover diatas Rp 200.000.000 -> Gratis Bonus chips Rp 1.500.000
* Turnover diatas Rp 300.000.000 -> Gratis Bonus chips Rp 2.300.000
* Turnover diatas Rp 500.000.000 -> Gratis Bonus chips Rp 3.800.000
* Turnover diatas Rp 750.000.000 -> Gratis Bonus chips Rp 5.700.000
* Turnover diatas Rp -> Gratis Bonus Chips Rp 7.500.000
* Turnover diatas Rp 1.500.000.000 -> Gratis Bonus Chips Rp 11.300.000
* Turnover diatas Rp -> Gratis Bonus Chips Rp 15.000.000

Syarat Dan Ketentuan :
  1. Event ini Berlaku Untuk Seluruh member Poker88. Rekening yang di daftarkan harus rekening yang valid atau benar.
  2. Bonus Turnover Akan Dibagikan Kepada Semua Member baik yang menang maupun yang kalah Berdasarakan Dari Total Turnover Bermain Sesuai dengan Ketentuan Yang sudah kami tentukan seperti di atas.
  3. Bonus Akan di berikan berupa Chips yang di masukan langsung ke dalam Balance Game anda Jika sudah mencapai Target Turnover yang sudah di tentukan seperti di atas
  4. Perhitungan Turnover akan kami ambil setiap minggunya dari hari Kamis s/d Rabu. Pembagian Bonus Akan dibagikan Pada hari kamis setelah maintenance selesai.
  5. Bagi setiap member yang melakukan kecurangan dalam bentuk apapun , Maka dengan tegas bonus yang anda dapatkan akan dihanguskan.
  6. Jika event ini tidak bisa berlangsung seperti yang direncanakan karena satu dan hal lain yang tidak terduga dan di luar kendali, Poker88 tidak dikenakan tanggung jawab apapun dan tidak ada bonus deposit gratis atau hadiah yang diberikan.
  7. Semua keputusan Poker88 adalah final, Mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat


Dapatkan tambahan bonus 50% dari Nilai Total Hadiah saat gamer mania menjadi pemenang Tournament Poker.
Mainkan Katagori Tournamen Poker yang masuk dalam promo ini dan Setiap kemenangan anda akan di berikan tambahan Bonus 50% Dari nilai bonus kemenangan Para Gamer mania.

  1. Tournament 5.000.000
  2. Tournament 10.000.000
  3. Tournament 20.000.000
  1. Promo ini berlaku untuk setiap pemain dengan Rekening yang VALID/ Benar saat melakukan pendaftaran.
  2. Bonus Akan diberikan berupa Chips yang dimasukkan langsung kedalam Balance Game Anda.
  3. Bagi setiap member yang melakukan kecurangan dalam bentuk apapun, Maka dengan tegas bonus yang anda dapatkan akan dihanguskan.
  4. Jika event ini tidak berlangsung sesuai dengan rancana yang diinginkan karena suatu hal dan hal hal lainnya yang tidak terduka dan diluar kendali, Kami POKER88 Tidak dikenakan tanggung jawab apapun dan tidak ada bonus Deposit gratis atau Hadiah yang diberikan.
  5. Semua keputusan adalah Final, Mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.


Sebagai Komitmen dari POKER88 yang selalu memanjakan player dalam bermain poker dan membuat permainan poker semakin menyenangkan, Maka POKER88 Kembali mengadakan Event Untuk Semua Member Poker88.

Poker88 Akan memberikan Bonus Rollingan Setiap Harinya Untuk Member Poker88 yang Bermain Di Game Poker, Domino, dan Ceme.

  • CEME ↔ RABU 0,2% KAMIS
  1. Rekening yang di daftarkan harus rekening yang Valid atau Benar
  2. Komisi Rollingan Akan Diberikan Kepda Setiap Member Baik yang Menang Ataupun Yang Kalah Berdasatkan Dari Total Turnover Bermain sesuai dengan Jenis Dan Hari Yang Sudah Di Tentukan Seperti Keterangan Diatas .
    ⏩  Contoh Perhitungan Bonus Rolingan :
    ⏩ Contoh Untuk Game Poker : Jika Total Turnover anda Di Game Poker Pada Minggu 50.000.000 Maka 50.000.000 x 0,2%=100.000
  3. Bonus Akan Di Berikan Berupa Chips Yang dimasukkan langsung ke dalam Username anda paling lambat 2x24 Jam.
  4. Minimal Bonus Rolingan Yang Diberikan Sebesar 50.000,-.
    ⏩  Khusus Untuk Bandar Ceme Minimal Bonus Komisi Rollingan Yang Di Bagikan Sebesar 200.000,-.
  5. Poker88 Berhak Untuk mengubah atau menghentikan event ini, maupun karna adanya salah satu faktor dari event ini setiap saat tanpa ada pemberitahuan sebelumnya.
  6. Jika event ini tidak berjalan sesuai dengan yang di rencanakan karena salah satu hal atau hal lainnya yang tidak terduka ataupun diluar kendali, Poker88 tidak dikenakan tanggung jawabapapun dan tidak ada bonus deposit geratis atau hadiajh yang diberikan.
  7. Poker88 Berhak Membatalkan Bonus Rollingan Apabila terdapat indikasi kecurangan atau memanipulasi Event ini.
  8. Semua keputusan Poker88 adalah final, mutlak dan tidak dapat di ganggu gugat.


Dalam Poker88 Untuk Para Gamer Mania Hadir Game Poker BID, Kumpulkan Kartunya, Susun Jadi Susunan Kartu Poker Lalu adu Adu Dengan Susunan Kartu Pemain Lawan dan Menangkan Hadiahnya !! "Kumpulkan Setiap Susunan Kartunya adu Dengan pemain lain lalu menangkan Hadiahnya"

  1. Pemain Diharuskan Mengumpulkan/ Mengkoleksi kartu dan menyusunnya menjadi susunan Kartu Poker.
  2. Kartu bisa didapat dari Turnover yang dimiliki pemain setiap harinya.
  3. Setiap susunan kartu Poker memiliki nilai yang bisa di BID atau di adu melalui susunan kartu poker pemain lain untuk mendapatkan keuntungan lebih banyak dan juga di redeem kedalam akun game pemain.
  •  1,500.000 - 5,500,000      = 1 kartu
  • 5,500,001 - 20,000,0002   = 2 kartu
  • 20,000,001 - 50,000,000   = 3 kartu
  • 50,000,001 - 85,000,000   = 4 kartu
  • >85,000,001                      = 5 kartu
  • High Card Rp. 50,000           ➧ Flush Rp. 500,000
  • One Pair Rp. 100,000            ➧ Full House Rp. 750,000
  • Two Pair Rp. 200,000           ➧ Four Of Kind Rp. 1,000,000
  • Three Of kind Rp. 300,000   ➧ Straight Flush Rp. 2,000,000
  • Straight  Rp. 400,000            ➧ Royal Flush Rp  3,000,000
  • Dalam 1 hari pemain akan mendapatkan maksimal sebanyak 5 Kartu
  • Setiap kartu yang berhasil dikumpulkan pemain memiliki masa berlaku, masa berlaku setiap kartunya adalah 5 hari
  • Kartu yang sudah berhasil di kumpulkan oleh pemain harus di susun untuk dijadikan susunan kartu Poker
  • Pemain memiliki kesempatan melakukan BID dan juga melakukan Redeem menggunakan susunan kartupoker yang dimiliki
  • Jika pemain memilih untuk BID sususan kartunya, maka susunan kartu tersebut akan di adu dengan susunan kartu Poker pemain lain
  • Pemenang BID akan di tentukan dari urutan susunan kartu Poker tertinggi, Pemenang BID akan secara otomatis mendapatkan nilai dari susunan kartu Poker lawannya yang kalah
    • Contoh: Royal Flush = 3,000,000 BID melawan Straight Flush = 2,000,000, maka Royal Flush yang menjadi pemenang dari Straight Flush, dan Total 5,000,000 akan otomatis masuk ke dalam akun game pemain berupa chips - Jika pada saat melakukan BID dan hasilnya Susunan Kartu Sama maka nilai susunan kartu poker akan seacara otomatis teredeem ke dalam masing-masing akun game pemain
  • Jika saat melakukan BID dan hasilnya kartunya imbang (Draw), maka penentuan Pemenang akan diambil dari urutan kembang kartu
  • Jika player melakukan BID / reedem tidak boleh menggunakan kartu yang sama
  • pemain bisa melakukan beberapa BID / reedem Dalam waktu bersamaan sesuai dengan jumlah susunan kartu Poker yang pemain miliki
  • Jika dalam waktu 3 hari pemain belum menemukan lawan BID maka nilai sususan kartu yang sudah di BID akan otomatis ter-redeem dan masuk ke dalam akun game
  • Untuk melihat list BID yang belum menemukan lawan pemain bisa melihat di menu Go to Arena
  • Setiap BID yang masuk ke Dalam menu Go to Arena Jika sudah ditemukan lawannya maka BID tersebut akan hilang, dan pemain bisa melihat status Menang/ kalah di menu history
  • Jika pemain memilih untuk meredeem susunan kartu pokernya, maka Chips akan otomatis masuk ke akun game sesuai dengan nilai kartu Poker yang sudah di tentukan
  • Jika pemain melakukan redeem susunan kartu pokernya, maka nilai susunan kartu poker tersebut akan dikenakan potongan sebesar 25%
  • Potongan sebesar 25% berlaku untuk semua susunan kartu poker yang di redeem oleh pemain
  • Pemain bisa melihat history kemenangan dan kekalahan BID dan juga Redeem di Dalam menu history
  • Jika ditemukan adanya player yang melakukan tindak kecurangan, maka ID yang bersangkutan tersebut akan dikenakan sanksi berupa bonus dihanguskan
  • Kami berhak untuk memodifikasi, mengubah, menghentikan atau mengakhiri promosi sewaktu-waktu karena alasan apapun, tanpa pemberitahuan lebih lanjut


Poker88 Membuka Kesempatan untuk mendapatkan Bonus Mini Games kepada para gamer maniak sekalian di game BIG OR SMALL sebagai member Poker88.
Promo ini berlaku untuk para gamer maniak yang aktif sebagai member di Poker88.
Promo ini diberikan Poker88 cuma-cuma secara GRATIS TIDAK DI PUNGUT BIAYA !!
Permainan BIG Or Small sendiri adalah permainan menebak kartu BESAR atu KECIL.
Dari Pemainan BIG Or SMALL ini terdiri dari dua kategori game yaitu DOUBLE BET dan WIN-WIN BET :
  1. DOUBLE BET : Jumlah bet akan di x2 jika sahabat gamer menebak dengan benar permainannya.
  2. WIN-WIN BET : Jumlah bet akan tetap sama jikajika pemain berhasil menebak dengan Benar ataupun Salah.
Untuk bermain di BIG or SMALL ini, pemain harus memiliki Kupon Tiket Dari Turnover yang sudah di tentukan.
Maksimal kupon tiket dalam 1 hari adalah 10 kupon tiket.
Tiket berlaku hingga 48 jam terhitung dari user mendapatkan tiket kupon
Jika tidak di gunakan dalam 48 jam terhitung dari user mendapatkan tiket kupon, maka tiket kupon akan di reset menjadi 0.
Dari hasil menebak jawaban yang benar di permainan BIG or SMALL, Pemain akan mendapatkan POIN.
Saat bermain di DOUBLE BET dan WIN-WIN BET hasil kartunya seri dengan Banker, Maka ditentukan pemenang dari urutan kartu tertinggi.


Pemain diharuskan mengumpulkan POIN Sampai 500.000,- untuk ditukarkan Menjadi BONUS CHIP dan CHIP akan langsung masuk secara Otomatis kedalam akun Member Jika sudah mencapai penukaran. (Penukaran POIN Per 500.000)

Jika dalam 15 hari member tidak ada bermain di mini games BIG or SMALL, Maka poin akan di reset jadi 0.



➽ 1.250.000 - 5.500.000 = 1 Tiket
➽ 5.500.001 - 12.500.000 = 2 Tiket
➽ 12.500.001 - 25.000.000 = 3 Tiket
➽ 25.000.001 - 35.000.000 = 4 Tiket
➽ 35.000.001 - 45.000.000 = 5 Tiket
➽ 45.000.001 - 55.000.000 = 6 Tiket
➽ 55.000.001 - 65.000.000 = 7 Tiket
➽ 65.000.001 - 80.000.000 = 8 Tiket
➽ 80.000.001 - 100.000.000 = 9 Tiket
➽ > 100.000.001 = 10 Tiket.

- DOUBLE BET = 1 Tiket Kupon = 10.000
- WIN-WIN BET = 1 Tiket Kupon = 5.000


  • HATI-HATI dengan penipuan sejenis yang mengatasnamakan Website kami, kami tidak pernah meminta transfer uang ataupun Lainnya. Anda bisa menghubungi operator kami melalui Livechat ( 24 jam / online ) atau memo / pesan.
  • Kami berhak untuk meninjau catatan transaksi dan log dari waktu ke waktu untuk alasan apapun. Dan apabila pada saat melakukan tinjauan dan ditemukan bahwa pemain ikut berpartisipasi dalam strategi / Kecurangan yang tidak sesuai dengan kebijakan Kami,
  • Kami berhak untuk membatalkan hak pemain atas kemenangann
  • Kami berhak untuk memodifikasi, mengubah, menghentikan atau mengakhiri promosi sewaktu-waktu karena alasan apapun, tanpa pemberitahuan lebih lanjut.
  • Keputusan Poker88 adalah MUTLAK dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat dan sudah bersifat FINAL.


  • Poin Reward Poker88 adalah sebuah bentuk apresiasi Poker88 kepada para gamer mania yang tetap setia bermain di Poker888.
  • Poin Reward Poker88 bekerja sama dengan
  • Para pemain yang memiliki Poin Reward dapat menukarkan Poin Reward yang dimiliki dengan hadiah - hadiah atau item yang menarik di 

Cara untuk mendapatkan poin reward poker88 cukup mudah, para gamer mania hanya di haruskan selalu aktif bermain di Poker88 dengan bermacam permainan menariknya.

Langkah Untuk Mendapatkan Poin Reward sebagai berikut ;
  1. Daftar dan bermain Di Poker88 Asia
  2. Setiap para gamer mania yang aktif bermain game di Poker88 maka Poin Reward akan otomatis bertambah sesuai intensitas anda bermain game nya.
  3. Jika Para Gamer telah memiliki Poin Reward, Maka poin reward akan terlihat di Profil akun gamer mania.
  4. Selanjutnya silahkan gamer mania aktifasi ke 
  5. Setelah anda memiliki account id aktif di, silakan aktivasi point dengan cara koneksikan user id POKER88.ASIA dengan KOIN88.COM 
  6. Jika berhasil, Point anda telah di Transfer/Grab/Redeem ke KOIN88, Point selanjutnya yang terkumpul dapat Ditransfer/Grab/Redeem ke KOIN88 kembali agar point dapat terakumulasi dengan point yang sebelumnya.
Semakin banyak Poin Reward yang gamer mania dapatkan maka akan semakin besar hadiah menarik yang akan anda dapatkan.
Ayo para gamer mania terus dan tetaplah bermain game-game menariknya di Poker88, trus kumpulkan Poin Rewardnya untuk mendapatkan hadiah gratis dari penukaran Koin Rewad yang tidak akan mungkin para gamer maniak dapatkan di permainan game lainnya.

Info Panduan Lengkap Sistem Poin Reward silahkan anda Klik Disini sini


Kini Telah Hadir Promo Terbaru Bonus Dari Poker88
Poker88 Kini memberikan Mystery Box Spesial Untuk Para member Pokr88 yang aktif dan slalu bermain dengan setia, yang di berikan setiap hari Sabtu dan Minggu berhadiah UANG UNAI !!

" Pilih Salah Satu Kotaknya, dan Daptkan Hadiahnya !!.

Hanya dengan para gamer mania aktif bermain di Poker88 Pada Hari JUM'AT Sampai dengan KAMIS dan Memiliki Tiket Free Lucky Spin pada Hari SABTU - JUM'AT. Mystery Box akan secara otomatis terbuka dihari Sabtu Dan Minggu.

Teruslah Para Gamer Mania tetap bermain di Poker88 dan langsung dapatkan Bonus-Bonus Spesial dari Poker88.

  • Untuk mendapatkan BINTANG MYSTERY BOX anda diharuskan mencapai TURNOVER yang Telah  ditentukan setiap hari .
  • Jika Anda Mendapatkan Tiket Pada Hari Sabtu Dan Minggu, Tiket Tersebut Berlaku 1x24 Jam. ( tidak dapat di gunakan di hari berikutnya) 
Sabtu : 1x24 Jam 
Minggu : 1x24 Jam

8. PROMO GRATIS GAME LUCKY SPIN DI POKER88 memberikan BONUS untuk para gamer mania sekalian setiap harinya.
Promo ini berlaku unruk para gamer mania yang aktif bermain di Poker88.

Hanya dengan aktif bermain di setiap keaktifan gamer mania bermain akan mendapatkan BONUS FREE SPIN berhadiah UANG TUNAI !!!

Ini adalah Promosi cuma cuma alias gratis dari Tidak di pungut biaya, hanya dengan persaratan dari keaktifan para gamer mania untuk bermain gamenya di

Untuk Bonus FREE LUCKY SPIN Akan dimasukkan berupa Chips ke dalam Username di anda paling lambat 30 menit setelah anda melakukan Spin dan mendapatkan bonus FREE LUCKY SPIN.

Para gamer mania mempunyai kesempatan gratis untuk melakukan Lucky Spin sehingga akan mendapatkan UANG TUNAI setiap harinya saat beruntung.



Sebagai penyedia layanan hiburan online terbaik, Poker88 mempunyai komitmen untuk selalu memanjakan player saat bermain game-game Poker88.

Maka Kali ini Poker88 kembali mengadakan Promo Berhadiah Untuk Semua Member Poker88.
Promo Berhadiah Kali Ini Adalah untuk Game DOMINO QIU KICK, Seperti judul di atas, promo ini benar-benar hanya mengandalkan "LUCKY" atau Keberuntungan yang dimiliki setiap Player.

Player yang mempunyai kartu Kombinasi seperti di bawah ini saat bermain DOMINO QIU KICK akan secara otomatis mendapatkan Hadiah 5 Kali Lipat dari Nilai Blind Setiap Meja.

Contoh : Pada Meja MEDIUM Game Domino, Minimum BLIND adalah 5,000.

Jadi, Hadiah SPECIAL LUCKY CARD DOMINO QIU KICK Anda adalah 5,000 x 5 = 25,000 Chips!

Promo SPECIAL LUCKY CARD DOMINO QIU KICK ini di mulai pada Hari Kamis, 19 Oktober 2017 Setelah Maintenance Selesai.

Ada 4 Pilihan Ketentuan kartu Kombinasi Di Game DOMINO QIU KICK Dalam Promo ini.
Untuk Mendapatkan Hadiah 5 Kali Lipat dari Nilai Blind Setiap Meja, Anda Harus Mendapatkan Salah 1 Dari 4 Kombinasi kartu Yang sudah Ditentukan Dan Minimal 2 player mengikuti permainan sampai akhir sehingga kartu anda terbuka.

Berikut Kartu Kombinasi yang Harus di Miliki Player saat bermain Game DOMINO QIU KICK POKER88:

Note : Posisi kombinasi SPECIAL LUCKY CARD DOMINO QIU KICK berlaku acak selama kartu termasuk dalam daftar kombinasi kartu yang tertera.

Untuk Semua Pemenang Hadiah berupa Chip akan secara otomastis masuk ke dalam akun anda. Selamat Bermain.

Demikian sebuah kesempatan kali ini untuk info bonus di yang dapat di sampaikan kepada para gamer maniak sekalian. Dan semoga dalam setiap memainkan permainannya para gmer mania selalu hoki beruntung sehingga lancar jaya selalu.

“Menjadi nomor satu memang tujuan yang penting ! 
Tapi yang paling utama, adalah cara-cara yang kita lakukan untuk menjadi nomor satu”.

Welcome Crazy Person Gamers  

PlayStation 4 (PS4) Darksiders III Game Review Complete

Greetings Gamer Mania, wherever you are in the world, get the following complete review of Darksiders III PlayStation 4 (PS4).
Welcome back to CheatStationer where your game maniacs get game info. Whether it's about game reviews, cheat games, and other info that is fully and reliably provided by CheatStationer which includes all types of games including PlaysTation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PC Games, Online Games, Cellular Games, XBOX and many more.

Genre : Hack and slash, action-adventure
Developer : Gunfire Games
Publisher : THQ Nordic
Players : Single-player
ESRB Rating : M
Release Date : November 27, 2018

Back to the apocalyptic Earth in Darksiders III, hack-n-slash action adventure where players assume the role FURY in its quest to hunt and dispose of the Seven Deadly Sins. The most unexpected and mysterious of the Four Horsemen, FURY must succeed where many have failed - to bring a balance of power that now ravage the earth. Darksiders III is the long anticipated third chapter in the critically-acclaimed Darksiders franchise.


Release the Fury!

Play as FURY - mage who must rely on the whips and the magic to restore the balance between good and evil on the earth!
FURY Harness magic to unleash its various forms - each giving her access to new weapons, moves and traversal capabilities.

Explore open, lively, free-form game world where FURY move back and forth between the environment to uncover the secrets while advancing the story.
  • Beating the Seven Deadly Sins and their employees who ranged from being a mythical creature slumped.
  • Sitting in awe signature art style of Darksiders' - comprehensive post-apocalyptic environment that takes the player from the heights of heaven to the depths of hell, dilapidated by war and decay and controlled by nature.

Darksiders III is an action-adventure game with Metroidvania gameplay elements. The player takes control of Fury, War and Death sister, two of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, from a third person perspective. Fury, a mage who is described as the most unexpected and mysterious of the Four Horsemen, depending on whips, swords, flails, daggers and magic in battle. Fury can take several forms of different elements in order to improve its combat capabilities to provide new weapons, attacks and traversal capabilities.

The enemy is stronger than previous installments, but appeared in smaller quantities during the meeting, making combat feel more personal. Some enemies from previous games returns, while another new enemy. gated combat is not a feature, in an effort to make everything in a contextual setting and interconnected. The game takes place in an open world environment in which continuous exploration plays a big role. While exploring, Fury must solve puzzles and overcome obstacles platforming, some of which take advantage of the whip. The puzzles include using fire bombs and form to blow obstructed pathways and materials in the environment.

Darksiders III is equipped with a leveling system and the crafting system. Similar to the war, but unlike Death, Fury collect the soul of the enemy and of the objects in the environment, as a form of currency or discarded resources. According to developers, the threat of the gaming world will grow stronger as the player progresses through the story, matching power whenever Sin Deadly Fury defeated.


We have not seen many games like Darksiders III in the last decade or more. It is the third-person action game that is not afraid to grind your progress stopped for an hour or more until you figure out a way to defeat the boss that seems impossible. It does not seem to aspire to match the visual polish of this year's biggest blockbuster, and the design philosophy completely ignoring all holding hands and pampering are the norm in the dark outside Souls and brothers. But this battle satisfying - and, you know, maybe not every game needs to be a gigantic open world with millions of things to collect and a never ending supply side quests. Darksiders III fits comfortably in place.

Your appreciation of the character and the story stakes approximately 20 hours will get a boost if you have to play at least the first Darksiders. Each game puts you in control of a different Horseman of the Apocalypse in a unique setting and interesting: ravaged Earth where a war between angels and devils have pretty much left the extinct human. Horseman you this time is Fury - the only Horseman women - but not especially memorable debut for some cheesy dialogue and voice acting forgotten.

He was sent to hunt the Seven Deadly Sins, and each of which serves as one of a collection of Darksiders III varies a great boss fights. None of the events of the story that really stuck out to me, but fortunately I did not require gripping story to go along with my hacking and cutting. (If you happen to be invested in knowledge Darksiders you'll be glad to hear the end of Darksiders III shows the team in shots Games wish to make more.)
Deadly Sin some cool designs.
As for the graphics, while there have been games this year that has really surprised me with their beauty, Darksiders III is not one of them. The stylized, cartoon characters dropped into the world of generic looks pretty does not have details. Some designs Deadly Sin cool, though: Sloth, for example, is a giant, out-of morbidly obese bug slime carried around on a throne beetle slaves.

It's in the hacking and slashing that Darksiders III truly superior. It's not sloppy beat 'em up where you just run into a gang of monsters you attack button mashing. All sorts of demons, skeletons, angels, giant insect, and troll needs to be cut down, and you will not get very far without jelly their behavior. Wait for their attacks, set the time you dodge at the right time, and you will be able to return their unkindness with a vicious counter-attack which is one of the most satisfying acts I've been performing at this year's match. In the end, I felt I had to write a summary in my mind of all the animals and smooth they said.
It's in the hacking and slashing that Darksiders III truly superior.
Fury constantly growing arsenal includes a lot of fun toys, and it's up to you to decide which one is for power and rely mostly on. I prefer Chains enemy scorn because they set me on fire for additional damage over time. Along with the weapons, he gained new strength of the movement which gives her access to new areas, and once you open them all it was fun to switch between all its different shapes to find the right tool for a variety of combat and job constraints. Some forms of the things video games are common, such as the ability to float a short distance provided by Lance scorn. Others less so, such as the ability to transform into a magnetic ball that can roll on the walls and ceiling are given by Mallet ridicule (Fury is a woman who is very scorny). But the magnificent mane Fury switch to a different color than the outstanding to each form, so that they are all at least worth playing with.

While the bad guys do not reveal their level, there seems to be some annoying level scale occurs. No matter how strong Fury be, could still kill the enemy base with just a few hits at any point. scale level is not a design choice I appreciate - it is much better to feel like a god all-powerful after putting in all the time and effort and then use that power to fight against the new, powerful enemies to level the playing field.
The bosses in Darksiders III does not mess around.
The bosses in Darksiders III does not mess around. While the first pair may not pose much of a threat, you will eventually find one that seems to not respond to any tricks or attack you have learned up to that point. Not to spoil the surprise, but do not be surprised if the boss does not go down as easy as it seems they will. It can be frustrating to suddenly have the tables turned on you, to be sure, but with success tenacity finally (thankfully) coming. In this way, Darksiders III feels like it was any other time - when the designer is not afraid to scare you away with difficulty.
checkpoint boss could have been tweaked to better appreciate our time, though. In one case, defeat the boss sent all the way back to a checkpoint with all sorts of enemies that block your way back into the second round (and, if we are honest, for me it was a round three and four, and so on). On the other, you are sent back to areas far away but with no enemies in your path, so you only need to spend a few minutes to walk back into the fight. The boss here is quite difficult inconvenience this adds up after a few failures.

Instead of an open world, I would describe it as a game Darksiders III-connected world. This is a series of smallish rooms connected by hallways and tunnels, and the nearest Deadly Sin always marked with a skull on your radar at the top of the screen. So playing Darksiders III mean flow hallways from room to room, keeping the skull centered, and fight any monsters in your way.

That's 90 percent of it, with environmental puzzles that make up the remaining 10 percent. this puzzle is a nice break from the action, and one or two are pretty hard to stump me for more than a few minutes.

Which does not leave much room for useful exploration, but I enjoyed the hunt upgrade items hidden all over the place in the back corner and just off the beaten path. There is a little backward to the previous area, and you definitely see opportunities previously unavailable to you because you do not have the right capabilities yet. Moments Darksiders III flesh out a little bit and make it feel like more than just a simple action game.


Darksiders not changed much since 2012. It is still the genre mashmash fun with a great protagonist and lightweight battle system, but it is a shame it feels outdated compared to peers and tripped genre when injected feeling like Soul.

But there are some things we have to look at, that is, the direct simplicity of Darksiders III is a refreshing change of pace after exploring so many bustling open world game. Simplicity does not refer to a battle or a boss battle, which is complex and hardly surprising. The philosophy is comfort food setback for action gamers of a certain age, but it would be nice to see the third game in this series introduced some new concepts to relaunch Darksiders in modern times.

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PlayStation 4 (PS4) Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition Game Review Complete

Greetings Gamer Mania, wherever you are in the world, get the following complete review of Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition PlayStation 4 (PS4).
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Genre : Action role-playing, hack and slash.
Developer : Vigil Games, Gunfire Games 
Publisher : THQ - Nordic Games
Players : No Online Multiplayer
ESRB Rating : M
Release Date : Oct 27, 2015

Become a terrifying force which everything fears but nothing can escape. Woken by the End of Days, Death, the most feared of the legendary Four Horsemen embarks on a quest to redeem his brother's name. Along the way, the Horseman who found that an ancient grudge may threaten all of Creation.


When THQ bankrupt two years ago, we feared the worst for our favorite franchise that the resulting issuer: Darksiders. This is a hack, but fantastic underrated and trim series inspired by God of War and The Legend of Zelda, and just a year before the collapse of THQ, you could say the company released one of the most ambitious, the title of high quality with Darksiders II, which we believe improved on The original game in almost every area. Of course, when we find that Nordic Games has taken the franchise, we breathed a sigh of relief that it would live. Meanwhile, as we pray for the third game to be developed, newly appointed publisher tries to prove himself worthy to handle the series with "Deathinitive" [groan - Ed] remastering of the latest entries adjusted to former employees manning Games Shot Games. Do this again inexcusable ports that should not interfere with, or have been traveling Death has been raised to a degree worth reviving?

First things first, game play and structured identical to the original version in terms of its contents with the exception of the DLC missions and items, which are now integrated into the main story. Moreover, this hack and slash, platforming, and puzzle solving adventure still feels as tight and satisfying as ever. Tempur usually has you fighting a variety of cunning beasts and undead with your scythe and heavy weapons such as a hammer or a glove that really pack a punch. You use dozens of combos with these weapons and mix them all with special weapons such as pistols and unlockable skills that you equip the d-pad, while avoiding and turning your enemy during intense fights. Although it can be annoying difficult to keep the flow of combat as erraticness some fights, most of the meetings was a blast, especially the big boss battle of life.

Backing combat is a RPG system in which you level to not only open these skills, but also increase various statistics which can be supported by armor to your feet and get your shoulder. You'll find all sorts of amazing things to wear with loot system - which is a little more balanced this time around - and in shops merchants. The same thing applies to all weapons and Talismans stat-boosting, which is fun to find all the treasure chests and enemies that you will find. The platforming, it was not exactly challenging, but in ways that Death gets about the environment is fluid and smooth most of the time he flips, slides, and ride everywhere he needs to go, which is always a great feeling to execute.

Speaking of the environment, Darksiders II has a huge open world with intelligent basement-made for exploration and side quests means that you will stumble across too alluring to pass up. And for the record, moody, atmospheric soundtrack Jesper Kyd is of Celtic talent is a pleasure to hear about this mission and while exploring. Anyway, basement largely owe their appeal to solve the puzzle, because you can use the awesome abilities like back in time to affect the environment in the present or divide your life into two bodies to solve brainteasers larger. While the famous game suffers from "getting three" and "go to three places" figurative designs, the majority of Darksiders II is more respectable, well-rounded and entertaining than its predecessor.

What makes the game so recognizable is gorgeous visuals, which really makes you feel like you're in a fantasy epic of biblical proportions. comic book artist Joe Madureira essentially gave birth to this world with expressive, large, stylized art style, which never fails to impress with impressive character models, large scale regional sheer beauty, and more. What PS4 version increase, though? In direct comparison, we were impressed with the entire assets of each neighborhood; developers even took the time to add new ones in countless loopholes and background to maintain visual consistency and fix the place looked empty. Materials now resembles real-life counterparts they are more accurate, such as wood, water and stone. Even metal armor and weapons have reflective surfaces now and react to an increase in lighting - which looks substantially more natural now - and the overall texture noticeably sharper.

That's not to say that this "Deathinitive" edition will ride away unscathed. It is very disappointing that it does not run at 60 frames per second, which should have become a necessity for this fast-paced game, and the frame rate drops sometimes frustrating, which adds insult to injury. We saw some screen tearing overt, some graphical hiccups with assets, and experienced a few crashes too. However, negative factors should not sway you from experiencing this version.

We should also mention the story, which we found to entertain all the way through. While it was not cohesive like Darksiders, cleverly written dialogue itself, spawning outlandishly funny conversation to exchange thanks to the players act epic sound spot-on. On the downside, the game can feel like one giant took the quest with Death always need to go pick up something, so that would've been nice if the mission has been more diverse in their goals. And while the sequel is significantly apart from the narrative of the first game, it was mostly stand alone to build and provide a picturesque backdrop to reflect, Death sarcastic, you will have a great time with a given number of games of the content that will guarantee you at least 30 hours to reap souls after soul.

The player takes control of Death, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. The core gameplay is an action role-playing hack and slash style. the game makes frequent use of interactive puzzle elements, requires players to think their way through a series of levers, door, elevator, portals, etc. in order to pass through and reach the goal.

Maps are spacious and each contains an open area of ​​the world that can be explored freely on foot or by horse, along with many dungeons where quest objectives generally do. There is a main and side quests, the main boss fights and side. Worlds can be passed through a rapid journey, where players can teleport directly to a given map point. While in prison, the player is allowed for a quick trip back to the overworld while saving their prison location for continued later without losing progress.

Death assisted by Despair, horses are available for use in open areas of the overworld to travel faster, and Dust, crows that guide him to his destination. The main weapon of death are two crescent, one holding in each hand. Secondary weapons include melee weapons such as hammers, axes, and maces as "slow" option; "Fast" is generally a challenge-style options weapon that provides players with claws and other bladed arm extension, at the expense of less variety and power than a slow weapon.

There are several options of different movements, including swimming, running along the walls, and the options available on specially placed wood elements, such as walls and beams climbing pegs. In the course of quests, Death obtain the "Death Grip", which operates as a hook on a particular object; and "Voidwalker". Additional capabilities such as "Soul Splitter" and "Interdiction" was obtained, which allows players to control multiple characters to cross the puzzle.

Health, Wrath, and Reaper resource meter display on the screen every time they change, together with the experience meter that shows how close the player is to the next character class level. Wrath is where the system-type of game, into a resource that is used for special abilities. Reaper is a separate resource used for Reaper abilities, and when full, Death can turn briefly to the shape of the angel of death, which is tougher and more damage.

There are eight player statistics, including the level of character classes increases at various levels of experience. Each new level gives the player a skill point that can be used in the skill tree that contains new capabilities. Other statistics can be enhanced with complementary items, with each item having a variety of stat-altering characteristics. Supplies players contains seven different pages of grade equipment (primary and secondary arms, shoulders, armor, gloves, boots, and amulets, with additional pages for quest items). New equipment can be obtained through enemy drops, looting chests, or buy from the seller character. new combo moves can also be purchased from the "Trainer" character.

"Stonebites", which is the colored stones hidden throughout the world, can be collected (after several searches have been completed) and traded for a character named Blackroot, in groups of three, in exchange for a variety of statistical upgrade permanent. There are three types of Stonebite, indicated by their color, and certain combinations are traded determine acceptable upgrade.

Money dropped by enemies and chests, and can be obtained by selling items to vendors. Special "Owned weapons" are rarely obtained, which presents another more common mechanic to trade in unwanted items, where the only weapons that can be enhanced by "sacrificing" of other items were lower for it.


Darksiders II is one of the titles that are easier to remember than the previous generation, with a stunning setting mystical supported by interesting characters, dazzling knowledge, and the gameplay is sharp. Deathinitive this excellent edition includes all the DLC and commendably improve asset and lighting effects, but slightly reduced because of our sickle criticism for mild impairment and mild suffering.
And Darksiders 2: Deathinitive Edition brings a diverse world, basements are interesting, and a great looting system for the PlayStation 4. Of course, the story is boring, and there are not many original ideas in play here, but the vast expanse of the adventure has to please who were missed the first time.

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